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Paul Nassif claims Son's Injury Was Accidental


Dr. Paul Nassif and ex-wife Adrienne Maloof, best known for their roles on the popular TV show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, sparked controversy in the world of D-List celebs when their six-year-old son Christian was hospitalized Monday, November 21, 2012, at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in L.A. with 3 broken fingers. This hospital visit started an investigation by Child Protection Services (CPS).

Nassif claims that his son was accidentally injured when he fell off a carnival ride. It is now alleged that this accident has been supported by an injury report. According to, the report states that the child 'jumped off the steps of ride exiting, fell on his hands.'

CPS was notified by the medical staff who were treating the child at the hospital. However, this is not the first time CPS has been involved with the reality family. In September 2012, Nassif was investigated by the L.A. County Department of Children & Family Services following allegations of abuse.

In Ontario, child protection is dealt with by the Children's Aid Society (CAS), which is governed by the Child and Family Services Act (CFSA). At Section 1(1) of the CFSA, it states the paramount purpose of the Act which is "to promote the best interest, protection and well-being of children."

The CAS will commonly work with families in order to assist caregivers and/or the children with services or programs as well as for children who may be in need of court protection. Social workers are normally assigned to a family, who will attempt to solve any issues the family may be experiencing.

If CAS cannot resolve problems within the family in the matter, they may need to be dealt with in a child protection court proceeding. Section 37(2) of the CFSA states that CAS has the burden of proving whether a child in is need of protection. During a proceeding, the court can make several different orders including:

  • placing the child in the care of a parent or another person under the supervision of the Society for a period of time of at least 3 months and not more than 12 months;
  • placing the child in the care of the Society for a period not exceeding 12 months;
  • placing the child in the care of the Society for a specified period and then returning the child to a parent or another person for a specified period; or
  • making the child a ward of the Crown with or without access to the parents.

Find more information on child protection, including articles and videos, here.
