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I Don’t Agree with My Family Lawyer. Now What?


Lawyers and clients don’t always agree. A point of contention often arises when trying to devise a strategy. Family law does indeed impact the client’s life considerably, but the lawyer is the one with the expertise. So, what do you do if you do not agree with your family lawyer?

There are certain choices only the client can make, but final decisions on strategy are generally left to the lawyer. Lawyers need to ensure that they are adhering to their professional code of ethics. That being said, clients have some say in the manner of their representation.

It may be tempting to fire a lawyer with whom you disagree, but make sure that you don’t make this decision irrationally. Try to determine why you are disagreeing with their advice. Ask yourself:

  • Is the lawyer’s advice in the best interests of the children?
  • Will the lawyer’s advice benefit me in the long run?
  • Are my own biases and emotions clouding my judgment?

It is often the case that clients disagree with their lawyer because of the emotional turmoil they are experiencing. It may be helpful to take a step back and reassess whether you agree with your lawyer’s input.

If your lawyer is an experienced, reputable lawyer, and you trust him or her, it may be best to rely on their experience. After all, they only want what’s best for your family matter. Keep in mind that lawyers have a professional duty to zealously advocate for their clients. But if you feel that your lawyer is being overly aggressive with opposing counsel, it is important that you bring this to your lawyer’s attention. If this issue persists and your case is suffering as a result, you may need to reassess your lawyer’s role in your matter.
