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Ex-Blink-182 Singer Tom DeLonge Files for Divorce


After nearly two decades of marriage to his high school sweetheart, Jennifer DeLonge, ex-Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge has filed for divorce in San Diego County Superior Court, according to a TMZ report. The couple has been married since May 26, 2001 and have two children together – a 17-year old daughter and a 13-year old son. The parties cited irreconcilable differences as their reason for separation. Tom is now seeking joint custody of the children and a determination on the issue of spousal support.

Requesting Spousal Support in Ontario  

If the parties resided in Ontario, the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (SSAG) would determine the amount of spousal support payable, which can be affected by a spouse’s child support obligations, as child support takes precedence over spousal support obligations. Using the “With Child Support Formula”, the SSAG calculates spousal support based on the individual net disposal income (INDI) of both parties after taking child support into consideration. The parties’ INDI are then added together, and the total net disposal income of both parties can be shared by way of spousal support payments from one party to the other.

Have Questions About Spousal Support or Child Support?

Many factors – including child support – can influence your spousal support award. To explore your legal options, contact the divorce lawyers at Feldstein Family Law Group P.C. Our client-driven legal team has been providing comprehensive legal services to the residents of Ontario for over 20 years. After evaluating your family dynamics and financial circumstances, we can help you negotiate a reasonable settlement agreement that provides for you and your children’s monetary needs. If your former spouse refuses to negotiate, we can help you navigate a contested divorce and deftly represent your interests in court.

Contact Feldstein Family Law Group P.C. at (905) 581-7222 to schedule a free consultation.
