Ontario Child Support Enforcement
How the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) Enforces Child Support
The Family Responsibility Office (FRO) was established under the Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act for the specific purpose of ensuring that support payments are made. FRO will enforce any support order issued by Ontario courts, and any support agreement in a domestic contract that is filed with the courts. Once a support obligation is registered with FRO, that agency acts as an intermediary for all payments: support payors pay support directly to FRO (usually, FRO garnishes the payor’s wages), and FRO then forwards those payments to the recipient parent. This is the case unless parties agree expressly, in writing, to withdraw from FRO.
The recipient spouse will not receive child support unless the payor spouse is making payments. But if payments are not being made, FRO has the authority to take steps to enforce them.
FRO can pursue one or more of the following steps to collect payment:
- Garnish a payor’s wages or any government money received, such as Canada Pension Plan benefits, employment insurance, income tax refunds, worker’s compensation, or old age security benefits;
- Garnish a payor’s bank accounts or garnish 50% of an account the payor holds jointly;
- Suspend the payor’s driver’s license;
- Report the payor to a credit bureau (making it difficult to get approval for a loan in the future);
- Suspend the payor’s passport;
- Suspend any federal license, such as a pilot’s license;
- Register a lien against the payor’s personal property;
- Issue a writ for seizure and sale of any property;
- Report the payor to any occupational or professional organizations to which he or she belongs;
- Seize lottery winnings;
- Start a default hearing; and/or
- Make an order against anyone who is helping the payor hide income.
If the FRO cannot enforce payment using any of these mechanisms, it can have the defaulting payor brought back to court and found in contempt of the support order. A finding of contempt may result in a fine or imprisonment.
A common method of enforcement, particularly when FRO cannot find any income to garnish, is suspension of the payor’s driver’s license. That suspension can then make it even more difficult for the payor to work and earn the income necessary to pay the support arrears. FRO is required to give 30 days’ notice before suspending a license.
Information for Child Support Payors
As a support payor, it is important that you ensure FRO has your up-to-date contact information, and that you contact FRO to work out a payment plan as soon as you fall behind on your payments, particularly if you receive an initial notice regarding the upcoming suspension of your license. Once you receive an initial notice of suspension, you have 30 days to either pay your arrears, contact FRO and enter into a plan for repayment, or apply for a refraining order.
A refraining order is a court order that temporarily prevents FRO from suspending your license, under terms the court considers just. In order to obtain such an order, Section 35(1) of the Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act indicates that the payor must file a Motion to Change the support order, as well as a Motion for the Director of FRO to refrain from suspending the payor’s license. The refraining order may require the payor to start a motion to change the existing order, make ongoing payments, and/or make periodic payments on the arrears.
Note that if you miss the 30-day deadline given in the initial notice from FRO, you can no longer apply for a refraining order.
Only a court order can reduce arrears or change ongoing support obligations. FRO cannot reduce support payments or arrears owed; it can only work with you to create a payment plan. Therefore, if you wish to terminate your support payments, you should file a motion to vary the support order with the court that issued the original order.
A declaration of bankruptcy will not terminate your support obligations. If you declare bankruptcy, FRO will become a creditor against your estate and will continue to enforce ongoing support. They will deal with the bankruptcy trustee to reclaim arrears that accrued before bankruptcy.
Information for Child Support Recipients
If you are a support recipient and you have not received your payment as scheduled, contact FRO. They can inform you if the payment was made and was simply delayed getting to you, or if the payor is in arrears. If the payor is in arrears, you will fill out a Statement of Arrears to indicate how much is owed and submit this to FRO. You can also include in the Statement of Arrears any support the payor owes you from a time before the support order was registered with FRO.
Keep in mind that as a parent with primary parenting time, you do not have the right to limit, prevent, or otherwise interfere with your partner’s parenting time with the children because he or she has stopped paying support.
Enforcing Support Across Provinces & Countries
FRO has reciprocal agreements with all other Canadian provinces and territories, every state in the United States, and over 30 other countries. Support orders from those provinces, states, or countries can be registered in Ontario under the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act and filed with FRO. They will then be enforced as though they were ordered by an Ontario court.
If the support order was made in Ontario but the paying parent does not live in Ontario or moves out of Ontario, FRO can similarly continue to enforce payment.
As a payor or recipient, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities in regards to child support. For more information on enforcement and how an Ontario enforcement lawyer can help you, call Feldstein Family Law Group P.C. at (905) 581-7222.

Meet Our Dedicated Team of Lawyers
Over a Century of Collective Experience

Andrew Feldstein Founder
Andrew Feldstein graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1992. Prior to focusing exclusively on family law, Andrew’s legal practice covered many different areas, including corporate commercial. One of Andrew’s fundamental objectives is to achieve those goals mutually and collaboratively, as set out by him and his client.
Daphna Schwartz Lawyer
Daphna Schwartz joined Feldstein Family Law Group, P.C. in 2007 as an associate lawyer. She was previously practising family law in the Barrie area. Her practice includes all areas of divorce and family law, including custody and access, child support, spousal support, and property issues. Daphna is also qualified to practise Collaborative Family Law.
Anna Troitschanski Lawyer
Anna Troitschanski joined the team at Feldstein Family Law Group, P.C. in 2012. Prior to that, she practised Family Law at a boutique Newmarket firm. Her experience covers all areas of divorce and family law, including custody and access, child support, spousal support, and division of property.
Nick Slinko Lawyer
Nick Slinko attended York University from 2003 until 2007 where he majored in both Law & Society and Philosophy. Nick graduated in 2007 with an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree. He proceeded to earn a Juris Doctor in Law at the University of Western Ontario in 2011. Nick was Called to the Bar in June of 2012 after completing his Articling term with the Feldstein Family Law Group, P.C. He became an associate with the firm immediately thereafter.
Veronica Yeung Lawyer
Veronica Yeung joined the Feldstein Family Law Group, P.C. as a summer student in 2014 and returned as an articling student in 2015. Following her call to the Ontario Bar in June 2016, Veronica was welcomed to the team as an associate lawyer.
Veronica attended York University for her undergraduate studies and graduated as a member of the Dean’s Honour Roll when she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Honours Criminology.
Shana Gordon-Katz Lawyer
Shana joined Feldstein Family Law Group P.C. as an articling student in 2017. Following her call to the Ontario Bar in June 2018, Shana was welcomed back to the firm as an associate. While completing her articles, Shana assisted with legal matters covering all areas of family law.
Shana attended the University of Western Ontario for her undergraduate studies, where she graduated as the gold medalist of her program, Honors Specialization in Classical Studies.
Rachel Zweig Lawyer
Rachel joined Feldstein Family Law Group P.C as a Summer Student in 2019 and returned as an Articling Student in 2020-2021. Following her Call to the Ontario Bar in April 2021, Rachel was welcomed back to the firm as an Associate.
Prior to completing her legal studies and obtaining her Juris Doctor at the University of Ottawa, Rachel obtained her Bachelor’s Degree at Ryerson University with a major in English Literature.
Lauren Harvey Associate Lawyer
Lauren joined Feldstein Family Law Group as a Summer Student in 2020 and returned as an Articling Student in 2021-2022. Following her Call to the Ontario Bar in April 2022, Lauren was welcomed back to the firm as an Associate.
Prior to completing her legal studies and obtaining her Juris Doctor at the University of Western Ontario, Lauren obtained her Honour’s Bachelor of Arts Degree at Wilfrid Laurier University majoring in Criminology and minoring in Law and Society.
Quinn Held Associate Lawyer
Quinn spent two years as a Summer Student and then completed her Articling term at a boutique Family Law firm in Orangeville, where she was exposed to various complex Family Law matters. Following her Call to the Bar of Ontario in June 2022, she became an Associate with the Feldstein Family Law Group.
Prior to obtaining her Juris Doctor from the University of Windsor, Quinn obtained her Honour’s Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Guelph majoring in Criminal Justice and Public Policy and minoring in International Development.
Kyla Johnson Associate Lawyer
Kyla is an approachable, understanding, and motivated advocate. This enables her to build strong relationships with clients. Her practice includes all areas of family law including parenting time, decision-making responsibility, child support, spousal support, division of property and divorce.