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Negotiating With Your Spouse After Separation

Hi, my name is Daphna Schwartz and I am a lawyer with Feldstein Family Law Group. Today I am going to talk to you about whether you should negotiate with your spouse after separation.

After spouses separate there are many issues to deal with, some being more pressing than others, especially as they relate to the care of children and finances. Often spouses are not sure whether they should be negotiating or discussing settlement of issues prior to consulting with a lawyer.

Prior to negotiating with your spouse keep in mind the following:

  1. Are you aware of your rights, entitlements and obligations? For example, if you are legally married or not, do you understand how your property is divided? Do you know whether you are entitled to receive support or have an obligation to pay support?
  2. Are you aware of your spouse’s financial circumstances and what he or she is earning?
  3. Are you aware of the law as it relates to custody and parenting time?

You can negotiate directly with your spouse; however it is a good idea to seek independent legal advice on your issues prior to or after having discussions with your spouse. It is important that you understand all your rights and obligations and those of your spouse prior to making any final agreements.

Separating is very difficult on the whole family and there are many issues to resolve which can become overwhelming. Therefore, it is a good idea to consult with a lawyer to determine your specific issues that need to be determined and how best to proceed forward.

For more information, please visit our website. If you would like advice on your own family law matter, you can schedule a consultation by calling 905-581-7222. From Feldstein Family Law Group, thanks for watching.