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Client’s Expectation of a Lawyer in an Initial Consultation

Hello, my name is Daphna Schwartz and I am a lawyer at Feldstein Family Law Group. Today I am going to talk to you about what you can expect of a family law lawyer at an initial consultation.

Some separated individuals, or those thinking about separating, book a consultation with a family law lawyer having certain expectations.

Some separated individuals want immediate answers from a lawyer as to how their matter will be resolved, how long it will take. Some further want a lawyer to be able to help them resolve their issues at an initial meeting.

There is a lot of information that we need in order to determine your rights and obligations arising out of your specific separation. Some of this includes income information, information regarding property and information regarding the care of your children.

This is information that will take more than one meeting and sometimes several meetings and discussions. Based on the issues and specifics of your situation, your lawyer will then be better able to establish a strategy and process for moving forward and he or she will be able to provide an opinion to you as to your rights and obligations.

At this initial consultation, it is also important for a lawyer to know what outcome you want from your matrimonial matter as this will help guide each individual case. Another objective at an initial consultation is advising you whether your expectations are reasonable or unreasonable.

If you would like to learn more about divorce or other family law issues, you can visit our website. If you would like legal advice about your own situation, please contact us at 905-581-7222 for a consultation.

Thank you for watching.