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Councelling, It's Not Just for Couples Anymore

Hi, my name is Andrew Feldstein of Feldstein Family Law Group. Today we will be exploring the topic of counselling when you are separated but have to continue communicating because you share a child.

It is somewhat expected that when couples separate, they will stop communicating with each other. But when you have a child with someone, you are forever linked and have to communicate after separation for the sake of the child.

It is critical that parents communicate about their children. The mother and father are the adults and need to act like the adults by modeling good behaviour and finding a way to get along for the benefit of their children.

I will help you resolve your legal issues – that is my job. But if you need help resolving personal conflicts with your spouse where there is bitterness, anger and personal issues hindering the resolution of your legal issues, the cost of your separation is going to be much greater and at this point, I would recommend my client to seek professional assistance from a counsellor. A counsellor can better assist you with these conflicts.

If you and your spouse are having issues related to your children’s well-being or education, or cannot agree on an access scheduling conflict, you may consider using the expertise of a Parenting Coordinator. Where former spouses are deadlocked and cannot communicate or resolve an issue regarding their children, a Parenting Coordinator – much like an arbitrator – can make a decision for you. It is important to note that Parenting Coordinators cannot vary or terminate a custody and access order or agreement; but can intervene when, for example, parents cannot decide who the children should vacation with for the summer, or whether the children can attend a wedding with one parent on a non-access date.

People hire a lawyer when they separate because a lawyer has experience in helping you resolve your issues and come to an agreement with your former spouse. But people often overlook the fact that other experts can be needed to assist with other crucial issues in a separation that are beyond a lawyer’s experience. Counselors, parenting coordinators, and the like can also help families. You should consider using one or ask your lawyer if they can recommend someone.

If you would like more information on this topic, or another family law issue, please visit our website at, or call us for a free initial consultation at 905-581-7222.

Thanks for watching. I’m Andrew Feldstein, for Feldstein Family Law Group.